As for me, I did not have the privilege of attending. I dear friend of mine did, and described it for me. After reading it, I felt like I was there. I had tears in my eyes. What joy these men must be feeling! What a blessing to all of us to have two more holy priests to guide us. Here are some excerpts from what she wrote:
"The Mass on Thursday night started with the reception of the choir habit for all the priests stationed in the U.S. and the reception of the St. Francis de Sales Cross for all the oblates. You can see some pictures of this Mass at http://www.blogger.com/"
(Then on Friday morning) "I must say that it was pretty impressive to go to St. Francis that morning tho. There are 7 altars on that church ~ and there were 7 priests saying their private Masses all at the same time. What a sight! The TLM
in stereo!!!!!"(snip)
(Later in the day, at the ordinations) "The ordinations were the most breathtaking event I have ever been to. We sat pretty much toward the front, which was very lucky, for there were over 1,100 present. It was held with all the pomp and circumstance which the occasion called for. There were processions and blessings and all kinds of prayers ~ all with the most significance which can be had on such things. Time flew ~ literally. It certainly didn't feel like a 4 hour ceremony."
"I was going to wait to get my blessing on Saturday, but decided against it and got my first blessings from our newly ordained priests that day. I am so glad I did!!! It was the most glorious moment of the whole weekend!!!!! I went up and knelt and waited for the new priests to move down the line and get to me. The first was Fr. Avis, whom we have known a few years"
"He gave me his blessing and I kissed his hands. Then I looked up to him and said "Thank you, Father" and he was literally beaming. I have never in my whole, entire life seen any person look so tremendously happy. Not a bride. Not a groom. Not anyone. He was aglow with such a wonderful happiness which exhuded from every pore. I can cry just typing this. To think that a few hours before I could call this young man "William" and from now on he has totally changed and I have to call him "Father". To think that his immortal soul has been so totally transformed forever into an Alter Christus. And to think that this brings such joy to him and all of us around him. It was almost too much for a soul to bear ~ and to think that I am not even a close friend of his, much less family!
Then, Fr. Talarico came by and gave me his blessing. When I said "Thank you, Father" he looked down at me and said "No, thank you ....... for your prayers!" I can't imagine a greater joy than to have such young men close to my heart. I have prayed for them for years and seeing them as priests is the fulfillment of many prayers and aspirations. God is just too good!"
1 comment:
This was Definatly a defining moment in the church in the US
With the Moto Proprio due soon we are on a cusp of something big
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