Feast of Corpus Christi; Feast of the Body of Christ - June 7th, 2007
It was BEAUTIFUL! They did not do a procession outside, but inside the church. (Not sure if that was the intention in the beginning, or because of the weather.) The Mass was BEAUTIFUL! Oh, did I say that already? The choir was like hearing angels singing. Frankly, the whole thing overwhelmed me (in a great way!) It brought me to tears to see something so beautiful being offered for Our Lord! (Such Masses always do this to me, whether here or at our other parish, Saint James in Saint Joseph with Father Totton). And seeing the children receiving their First Holy Communion, was very moving too - reminded me of my own dear children's FHC.
I got only one picture (and a lousy one at that) because my compactflash card in my camera went on the fritz. This is one of the procession -

King Peter & Queen Lucy were with me, and were very well behaved, even at the end of two plus hours.
Below are some quotes from others who were also there. I agree with everything they say, but they put it much more eloquently than I.
Rae at Quo Vadis...? wrote
".....the choir sang in such beautiful polyphony that often I would close my eyes, trying not to lose a single phrase--and then snap them open as I recalled that beautiful things were happening at the altar, too! We adored the Blessed Sacrament for so long that, by the end of Benediction, my knees had never ached so much... And afterward, at the reception (hosted by the Confraternity of Christian Mothers), the wine and fruit punch were exceptional."Joseph at Musings of a Dominican Inquirer wrote
"Tonight’s Mass was especially important for the eleven children celebrating reception of their First Communion, a very important day in the life of any Catholic child. Celebrating tonight’s Mass was Msgr. Gilles Wach (Founder and Superior of the Institute) with Fr. Dennis Buchholz (Pro-Rector) as Deacon. His Excellency, Bishop Robert Finn (Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese) and Msgr. Michael Schmitz (Vicar General of the Institute) were present, as well. The Solemn High Mass was most beautifully celebrated, and was followed by Adoration, Procession, and Benediction. Unfortunately, the Procession and Benediction had to be inside due to inclement weather. It was everything that the Traditional Mass should be, and was most transcendent. I have a difficult time putting into words what the experience was like."
Augusta at Traditional Catholic Mom wrote
"Yesterday marked the Feast of Corpus Christi. What a day! We were honored with the presence of some very special guests at Old St. Patrick Oratory! Bishop Finn graced us with his presence, gave the sermon, and lead Benediction and the procession! Msgr. Guiles Wach flew in all the way from Italy, literally arriving right before the Mass started. Msgr. Schmitz accompanied Msgr. Wach and did a fantastic job of translating for him!"Wolftracker at Kansas City Catholic wrote
"On Thursday, June 7, 2007, this year's traditional Feast of Corpus Christi, a High Mass at the Old Saint Patrick Oratory (home of the diocesan Latin Mass community) was said by Monsignor Gilles Wach, Superior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The traditional Latin Mass was followed by a Eucharistic
Procession and Benediciton (held indoors due to inclement weather). His Excellency Robert W. Finn, bishop of the Kansas City--Saint Joseph diocese, led the procession and Benediction. During Mass, eleven Oratory children also made their First Holy Communion. Bishop Finn gave the homily."
Here are links to the above posts and many more wonderful pictures!!!
Thank you for quoting me... It makes my day!
I finally have time to catch up on your blog. Great pictures of Corpus Christi! I was upstairs in the loft singing and the organ blocking my view when I wasn't singing. It was a great night.
Hope to see you soon in KC.
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