June 28, 2007 - Feast of Saint John Southworth
Rorate Caeli dispels, or rather, explains a recent misconception on the Motu Proprio. You can read about it here.
The Universal Indult Blog had an interesting quote from Monsignor Schmitz of the Institute of Christ the King (originally published in a March ,2007, article in Envoy magazine.)
He also said that the long-awaited and expected motu proprio, at least to his understanding of its most recent contents, allows for every Latin-rite priest to offer the Traditional liturgy publicly. According to various news reports, the exception would be if a bishop who desired to forbid a particular priest from offering it, he would have to put the reasons in writing and gain approval through the PCED. Msgr. Schmitz added that priests who were forbidden from offering the Traditional rite by their diocesan Ordinary could appeal to the PCED for recourse.
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