Thursday, June 28, 2007

Chocolicious Rice Krispie Treats

The classic treat with a twist. An easy favorite!

4-5 tablespoons butter
4 1/2 - 5 cups mini-marshmallows
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
5 1/2 cups Kellogg's Rice Krispies

Melt butter in large, deep saucepan over low heat.
Add marshmallows, stirring constantly.
When marshmallows are 2/3 of the way melted, add chocolate chips.
Stir just until completely melted.
Remove from heat and add Rice Krispies.
Stirring until well coated with the chocolate marshmallow mixture.
With damp hands (get hands wet & shake off excess water), gently press mixture into 13x9 inch pan, lightly coated with butter. (The damp hands prevent the mixture from sticking to you, and allows better control than a spatula.)
Cut into 2 inch squares when cooled & set.
Makes approximately 24 squares.

***UPDATE - I tried this using a cup of WHITE chocolate chips, instead of the semi-sweet, and they were delicious. OK, I will admit that "white chocolate" is not REAL chocolate, and that I prefer a good dark chocolate, but this alternative was very good and a big hit with family!***

Last minute news on the Motu Proprio

Rorate Caeli dispels, or rather, explains a recent misconception on the Motu Proprio. You can read about it here.

The Universal Indult Blog had an interesting quote from Monsignor Schmitz of the Institute of Christ the King (originally published in a March ,2007, article in Envoy magazine.)
He also said that the long-awaited and expected motu proprio, at least to his understanding of its most recent contents, allows for every Latin-rite priest to offer the Traditional liturgy publicly. According to various news reports, the exception would be if a bishop who desired to forbid a particular priest from offering it, he would have to put the reasons in writing and gain approval through the PCED. Msgr. Schmitz added that priests who were forbidden from offering the Traditional rite by their diocesan Ordinary could appeal to the PCED for recourse.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


From -

The motu proprio liberating the Tridentine Mass for the entire Catholic Church has been given to about 30 bishops from all over the world in the Sala Bologna of the Apostolic Palace by Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone

Vatican ( Welt report that the motu proprio liberating the Tridentine Mass for the entire Catholic Church has been given to about 30 bishops from all over the world in the Sala Bologna of the Apostolic Palace by Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone.

The bishops had been invited to Rome for that purpose. At the end of the meeting, in which the motu proprio was introduced together with a letter of explanation by Pope Benedict XVI., Pope Benedict met with the bishops. The document is about three pages long, the accompanying letter about four. From Germany, Cardinal Lehmann had been invited. The circumstances of the procedure make clear that the Pope was very interested to personally inform the bishops, in collegial manner, of the content rather than from the media. The publication of both documents will take place on July 7th. It emphasizes the unity of the Roman Rite which will consist of an ordinary and an extraordinary form which are supposed to inspire each other. The ordinary/regular form will continue to be the new rite of 1969. The extraordinary form will be the Missal of Bl. John XXIII. of 1962.
The german original

The Cafeteria is Closed has this bit of information on the author of the above article :
Paul Badde is the Vatican correspondent of the German newspaper Die Welt and has written several books on Catholic topics.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Baby, Oh Baby!

This is my very dear friend's baby. Isn't she adorable? She is in a sling I made for her.

Snug as a bug, next to mum. That is the proud grandma in the background.

Being born is exhausting work!

New Old News from the Institute of Christ the King

Photos of the Investiture with Choir Habit by the Archbishop of Florence, August 31, 2006

Photos of the Investiture with Choir Habit of the Priests and Oblates serving in the United States, June 14, 2007 at St. Francis de Sales Oratory, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Official photographs of the Priestly Ordinations on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, June 15, 2007 at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.

A press release, concerning the ordinations, from the Institute of Christ the King.

"Four Hours in Heaven" - A document, released by the Institute of Christ the King, giving details of the ordinations.

Let's be frank.....

Found over at Catholic Mom of 10 -
Mr Blair, joined by his wife Cherie, presented Benedict with a framed set of three antique pictures of Cardinal Newman, who converted in 1845 after more than 20 years in the Church of England clergy and is now a candidate for sainthood. Mrs Blair said: "I believe you are very familiar with him and he is on the journey to sainthood." To which the Pope responded: "Yes, yes, although it is taking some time - miracles are hard to come by in Britain."

This was part of an article titled "Tony Blair given 'a stern lecture'" which you can find here.

Bishop Finn, the 90th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, and the Children of the Eucharist

Found over at Lady in Blue :

On First Friday, October 5 ~ 2007, with an “Apostolic Blessing” from Pope Benedict XVI and in honor of the 90th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, ‘Children of the Eucharist,’ an International children’s program of the World Apostolate of Fatima, is sponsoring the next fifth annual Worldwide Children’s Holy Hour.

Most Reverend Bishop R.William Finn of Kansas City, Saint Joseph ,will lead the Holy Hour LIVE from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. EWTN will broadcast the event to 140 nations throughout the world, spiritually uniting the prayers of our children and youth the globe for the families of the world.

You can read more about it here and here.

Closed Lips – 10 ways to avoid gossip

June 25, 2007 - Feast of Saint Eurosia

The following was in this week’s parish bulletin :
Be Positive – When a person talks about the moral failings of another person, think of something positive to say about that person.
Look before you leap – Carefully consider your words before you speak.
Avoid idle banter – Ask yourself, “What are we accomplishing by this conversation?” and don’t chime in.
Beware of the “news flash” – Don’t let juicy news eat you up. Just bite your lip and prayerfully challenge yourself to be strong in resisting the temptation to gossip.
Question the source – When you hear something that sounds unreasonable, say so.
Change the subject – Find a reasonable way to steer the conversation to something edifying.
Avoid gossips – If you know a person has a propensity to gossip, avoid that person or suggest he or she thinks about the harm he or she is causing others.
Give people the benefit of the doubt – Go out of your way to think the best of others.
Turn to prayer – Suggest that those gossiping about someone turn their attention to praying for the other person, rather than just talking about them.
The buck stops here – When you hear gossip, make a commitment not to spread it.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Oreo Ice Cream Cake

I made this for King Peter's Birthday. It was a hit! For less than $4, I created something as good as one of those you can buy for $40 or more.

I carton of cookies & cream ice cream*
1 package of Oreos*

Set out ice cream to soften.
Put about half of package of Oreos in a food processor until they are crumbs. Spread the crumbs into the bottom of a 1o inch spring form pan.
Cut ice cream into sections & put them all in a bowl. Stir until soft (but not melted).
Drop ice cream onto crumbs. Do not try to spread it at this point - it will move the crumbs around.
Once all the ice cream is in the pan, and the bottom is pretty much covered with drops of ice cream, press the ice cream into the bottom of the pan.
Level the top out by carefully smoothing it out.
Decorate the top with Oreos.
Reward yourself by eating the leftover Oreos.
*This could easily be changed by using different ice cream, & cookies for the crust - vanilla wafers. graham crackers. CHOCOLATE graham crackers, shortbread cookies, sugar cookies, etc.

Birthday time!

King Peter's birthday was actually on June 21st. On his actual birthday, I took him and his sister to a local Mexican restaurant called Barbosa's Mexican Restaurant. Delicious!!! This picture was taken at the restaurant - notice the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the background.

We celebrated his birthday with family today. (Hmmm, just noticed he wore the same shirt both days.....boys! LOL) This is the Oreo ice cream cake I made! That's right! *I* made it! Looks (and tastes) as good as those $40 ice cream cakes you can buy (and it cost me less than $4!) You can find the recipe here.

This is the Triple Chocolate Cake that I made for the adults. WOW! It was Very rich & delicious!!!! You can find the recipe here.

Here is one of his gifts - it says "My parents taught me how to walk & talk, Now all they want me to do is sit down & keep quiet!"

And the best part of the day was there is plenty of cake leftover! (It is so rich, a little goes a long way!) I think I will have some for breakfast to go along with my Kona coffee my friend brought me back from her trip to Hawaii.

Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
Fish Eaters has an excellent article on Saint John the Baptist.

Nota bene: today celebrates John's birthday; his death by beheading, or "decollation," will be commemorated on 29 August. This Feast honors the great St. John, the greatest of all Prophets."
The whole article is very interesting. (As is all of the Fish Eaters website. If you have never perused it, you should!)

Here are some things that I found especially interesting:

1) Saint John the baptist was born without original sin.

"It is interesting to note that this Feast is one of only three Feasts that commemorate birthdays, the other two being the birthday of Jesus on 25 December, and that of Our Lady on 8 September. And what do all three have in common? They were all three born without original sin! Our Lord and Lady were both, of course, conceived without sin, but St. John the Baptist, though not conceived in this way, was filled with grace in the womb of his mother, the aged and barren Elizabeth, and so was born without original sin. This is evident by his recognizing the Savior even in the womb, and by the Angel's words to his father, the priest Zachary (Zacharias) who went to the Temple to pray that his wife should conceive."

2) One of the customs is to make a wreath of flowers for your home.

"Make a wreath of flowers that dry well, and hang in your home all year to be replaced next St. John's Day. Alternatively, flowers can be tied together in bunches with beautiful ribbons and hanged upside-down to decorate your home all year."
3) Another custom of burning sacramentals. Sacramentals are not to be "thrown away" when they wear out, but burned, and the ashe buried. One friend of mine buries the ashes near the border of her property. I have an assortment of broken/worn out brown scapulars that we will burn later today (though in a coffee can as we live in the city & cannot build a bon fire.)

"The temporal focal point of the festivities, though, is the building of fires outdoors in which to burn worn out sacramentals and to serve as a symbol of the one Christ Himself called "a burning and shining light" (John 5:35). "

4) What good are customs if they do not involve food?

"As to foods, it's customary to eat strawberries (Our Lady is said to accompany children who pick strawberries on this day). In addition, in Sweden pickled herring, boiled potatoes, sour cream, crisp bread, beer and schnapps are enjoyed, while in Spain they eat figs and a savory pie made with tuna. In Ireland, "goody" is another traditional food -- white bread broken in pieces and boiled with milk, sugar, and spices in a great pot over the fire."

4) The source of Do, Re, Mi, etc. can be found here.

"Another interesting thing about the Feast of St. John: the Breviary's hymn for this day, Ut queant laxis -- the hymn sung or recited during the blessing of the bonfire -- is the source of our names of musical notes -- Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do. The hymn, attributed to Paulus Diaconus (Paul the Deacon, ca. A.D. 720-799), was noted by a monk to rise one note in the diatonic C-Scale with each verse. The syllables sung at each rise in pitch give us the names of our notes (the "Ut" was later changed to "Do" for easier pronunciation)"

5) And finally, and excellent sermon by St. Augustine. You will find it at the end of the article.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Even MORE pictures of the ordinations!!

The Saint Louis Review, the weekly newspaper of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, has some very nice pictures here, with a brief explanation of what is happening in them.

The New Liturgical Movement has this link to some exceptional pictures, in one of the articles written on June 20, 2007. (Note, this link also includes some pictures from Saint Francis de Sales Oratory.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I am a bad sister..........................

June 20, 2007 - Feast of Saint Alban

A week ago today, on June 13th, my brother had a birthday. I failed to wish him happy birthday. So here goes...

Happy Birthday Chad!!!!

Sorry, ladies, he is married!

P.S. - now I am off to get him an AWESOME gift!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Motu Proprio - Possible Titles (humor)

I have been quiet on the MP front. I KNOW it will come (and VERY glad for it), but I am tired of the days of "Great Disappointment".

ANNNYwaaayyy..... Simon-Peter Says has a humorous post on possible titles for the MP :
Motu Proprio names:
1. Una Voce - With one Voice: appropriate if slightly disingenuous.
2. Magister artis ingeniique largitor venter - Necessity is the mother of all invention.
3. Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione - I'm not interested in your dopey religious cult. For the Novus Ordos.
4. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare - I think some folks in togas are plotting against me.
5. Da mihi sis bubulae frustrum assae, solana tuberosa in modo gallico fricta, ac quassum lactatum coagulatum crassum - Give me a hamburger, french fries, and a thick shake. Ooops, sorry, that's the Novus Ordo communion hymn.
6. Lege atque lacrima - Read 'em and weep. For the Novus Ordos.
7. Me iudice - I being judge; in my judgement.
8. Salva veritate - With truth preserved.
9. Veni vidi duci - I came, I saw, I calculated.
10. Pone ubi sol non lucet! - Put it where the sun don't shine! For the Novus Ordos.
11. Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem! - Stand aside plebians! I am on imperial business!
12. A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi - A precipice in front, wolves behind (between a rock and a hard place).
13. Me oportet propter praeceptum te nocere - I'm going to have to hurt you on principle. For the Novus Ordos.
14. Damnant quod non intellegunt - They condemn what they do not understand. Against the Novus Ordos.
15. Lux et veritas - Light and Truth.
16. Melius tarde, quam nunquam - Better late than never.
17. Noli nothis permittere te terere - Don't let the bastards get you down.
18. Nill illigitimi carborundum - Do not let the bastards get you down II.
19. Sic friatur crustum dulce - That's the way the cookie crumbles. For the Novus Ordos.
20. Veritas numquam perit - Truth never perishes.
21. Poli, poli, di umbuendo - Slowly, Slowly we will get there.
22. Raptus regaliter - Royally screwed. For the Novus Ordos.
23.Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores - You cling to your own ways and leave mine to me.
24. Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum - Garbage in, garbage out. For the Novus Ordos.
25. Solitudinem fecerunt, pacem appelunt - They made a desert and called it peace. For the Novus Ordos.

NOTE : I do not dislike "Novus Ordos" (I am one myself half the time, & a TLM attendee the other half). To me, "Norvus Ordos" as used above, are those who are rabidly against the MP.

Chocolate Truffle Tart, & Triple Chocolate Cake, & Dark Chocolate Fondue

Delana, over at Traditional Catholic Mom, posted these WONDERUL, YUMMY, CHOCOLATE recipes!!!

Chocolate Truffle Tart
Extremely rich, this dessert is wonderful and would go well with a glass of wine or just a glass of milk!

1/3 cup butter, of margarine, softened
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 T unsweetened baking cocoa
1 bag (12 oz.) semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 pint (1 cup) whipping cream
1 tsp vanilla
2 egg yolks
1/3 cup whipping cream
1 T powdered sugar

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9-inch glass pie plate. In medium bowl, beat butter and powdered sugar with electric mixer on medium speed until blended. Beat in flour and cocoa until coarse crumbs form. With floured fingers, press in bottom of pie plate. Bake 5-7 minutes or until set.
In double boiler set over hot simmering water, heat chocolate chips 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently, until melted and smooth. Gradually add 1 cup whipping cream, stirring constantly, until combined. Stir in vanill and egg yolks until well blended. Cook over medium-low heat 5-6 minutes, stirring frequently, until thickened and hot. Pour filling into crust. Refrigerate at least 3 hours or until firm.
In medium bowl, beat 1/2 cup whipping cream and the powdered sugar with
electric mixer on high speed 1-2 minutes or until soft peaks form. Place in
plastic baggy and snip off corner with scissors. Pipe whipped cream onto refrigerated tart. Refrigerate. Serve.

Triple Chocolate Cake

(This is a picture of the cake I made. This is VERY rich & delicious!)

This cake is fantastic! I made it for my husband and dad for Father's Day, and both of them loved it! If you choose to pour the Chocolate Ganache over the top of it (which I highly recommend!) then I would call it Four-ple Chocolate Cake (a little Bill Cosby humor for ya!). When pouring the Chocolate Ganache over the cake, there will be plenty that runs off the cake. Catch it below on a plate, and dip a few strawberries in it to add as garnish to the cake! By far, one of my favorite desserts I've cooked so far!

1 pkg. devil's food cake mix
1 pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 8 oz. container sour cream
4 large eggs
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 pkg. (3.9 oz.) chocolate instant pudding mix
Chocolate Ganache:
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 12 cup fluted tube pan; set aside. Combine all cake ingredients into bowl and stir with wire whisk until ingredients are blended. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 1 hour or until cake begins to pull away from sides of pan. Cool in pan on wire rack for 15 minutes. Remove cake from pan; cool completely.
Meanwhile, in a double boiler set over hot simmering water, heat chocolate chips and whipping cream. Stir until completely melted. Pour over cake, making sure to put a plate underneath to catch the drippings. Wait until ganache has "set" to serve.

I used a double boiler on low heat (water should NOT boil at all - no more than 212 degrees F).
Pour in chocolate chips & cream at the same time. Stir until melted.
My research says that the optimum temp for pouring is 85-90 degrees F, but mine did fine at a 100-110 degrees. My research also said it keeps well in the fridge for up to 2 weeks (I am thinking of the sneaky trips to the kitchen, when dc are not around, to have a spoonful of gnache! LOL)

Dark Chocolate Fondue
Dip whatever you like in this fondue! Strawberries, apples, kiwi, pound cake, marshmallows, pretzels...the list goes on and on!

8 oz. bittersweet baking chocolate, chopped
8 oz. semi-sweet baking chocolate, chopped
1 pint (2 cups) whipping cream
1 T vanilla

In a 2 quart heavy saucepan, heat both chocolates and the whipping cream over low heat, stirring frequently, until cream is hot and chocolate is melted. Stir with wire whisk until smooth. Stir in vanilla. Pour into fondue pot. Keep warm with fuel canister on low heat.


Ordinations of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest in Saint Louis, Missouri

June 18, 2007 - Feast of Blessed Osanna Andreasi

The ordinations occurred on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 15, 2007. I wanted to go, but my car had other ideas.

As for me, I did not have the privilege of attending. I dear friend of mine did, and described it for me. After reading it, I felt like I was there. I had tears in my eyes. What joy these men must be feeling! What a blessing to all of us to have two more holy priests to guide us. Here are some excerpts from what she wrote:

"The Mass on Thursday night started with the reception of the choir habit for all the priests stationed in the U.S. and the reception of the St. Francis de Sales Cross for all the oblates. You can see some pictures of this Mass at"


(Then on Friday morning) "I must say that it was pretty impressive to go to St. Francis that morning tho. There are 7 altars on that church ~ and there were 7 priests saying their private Masses all at the same time. What a sight! The TLM
in stereo!!!!!"


(Later in the day, at the ordinations) "The ordinations were the most breathtaking event I have ever been to. We sat pretty much toward the front, which was very lucky, for there were over 1,100 present. It was held with all the pomp and circumstance which the occasion called for. There were processions and blessings and all kinds of prayers ~ all with the most significance which can be had on such things. Time flew ~ literally. It certainly didn't feel like a 4 hour ceremony."


"I was going to wait to get my blessing on Saturday, but decided against it and got my first blessings from our newly ordained priests that day. I am so glad I did!!! It was the most glorious moment of the whole weekend!!!!! I went up and knelt and waited for the new priests to move down the line and get to me. The first was Fr. Avis, whom we have known a few years"


"He gave me his blessing and I kissed his hands. Then I looked up to him and said "Thank you, Father" and he was literally beaming. I have never in my whole, entire life seen any person look so tremendously happy. Not a bride. Not a groom. Not anyone. He was aglow with such a wonderful happiness which exhuded from every pore. I can cry just typing this. To think that a few hours before I could call this young man "William" and from now on he has totally changed and I have to call him "Father". To think that his immortal soul has been so totally transformed forever into an Alter Christus. And to think that this brings such joy to him and all of us around him. It was almost too much for a soul to bear ~ and to think that I am not even a close friend of his, much less family!

Then, Fr. Talarico came by and gave me his blessing. When I said "Thank you, Father" he looked down at me and said "No, thank you ....... for your prayers!" I can't imagine a greater joy than to have such young men close to my heart. I have prayed for them for years and seeing them as priests is the fulfillment of many prayers and aspirations. God is just too good!"

Yes, He is!!
There are more pictures at Lost Lambs (including pictures of Father Avis' first mass) - he also has a video of the ordiantion (part 1 is posted, and now working; part 2 is soon to follow I assume.)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How to live....

Sent to me by my mother (not sure where she got it) -

"Live in such a way, that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil says, "Oh, hell, she's awake!"

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Field Trip to a One-Room Schoolhouse

Feast of Blessed Edward Joannes Maria Poppe

The end of May, the local Catholic homeschoolers got together for a wonderful field trip (hat tip goes to Jodi – Thank you!) It was almost an hour drive, but well worth it! We went to a one-room schoolhouse – Mt. Gilead School in Kearny, MO.

This is what the Clay county government site has to say about it:

Mt. Gilead School, Kearney, Missouri, operated for over 100 years until it closed its doors in 1946. The original school was a log structure built in 1835. The present two-story schoolhouse, built in 1879, replaced the log structure.

Mt. Gilead School had two teachers until the 1920s. The younger children were taught upstairs, while older students made use of a classroom on the first floor. Historians believe that Mt. Gilead was the only school west of the Mississippi River to continuously hold classes during the Civil War. Accounts of life at the school suggest that teachers would dismiss classes to watch marching soldiers. Mt. Gilead functioned as an academy for several years after 1860, offering courses in Latin, Greek, and music. Classes continued until 1946 when Mt. Gilead was consolidated with the Kearney School District. Clay County acquired the historic site in the mid 1980s and restored the school in 1998.This popular field trip requires advance reservations. For information on fees or to schedule a field trip, contact Clay County Historic Sites at (816) 628-6065.
Here is another site that mentions the school, and with a picture.

The schoolhouse is as authentic as it can be, and still meet modern day health & safety codes. The teacher dresses in period garb. The children are encouraged to come authentic too – from garb, to their lunches wrapped in wax paper & carried in a tin bucket. The school was run as if it was the late 1800s. When a student answered a question, they had to stand next to his/her desk. The boys & girls were seated separately. There was even a dunce cap! The parents sat in the back of the room – we were called the “school board”.

The teacher incorporated the history of the time period into the lessons for the day. The day started with the clang of the school bell.

She asked them how they got to school (and “by car” was not an acceptable answer as there were no cars then.)

She recited a poem while one of the students played puppet master.
They had music class in the church next door – and one of the dads was recruited to “direct” the band. (By the way, she can play a “mean” flute!)

After lunch they played some old-fashioned games. Here King Peter & Queen Lucy are in a race to see who can roll barrel hoops the fastest.

There was even a scavenger hunt – the children looked for symbols on the gravestones in the historical graveyard.

At the end of the day, they had a spelling bee. King Peter won for the boys. “No big deal! He was the oldest one there.” – some may say. But spelling is his hardest subject, and one he struggles with a lot! The joy on his face was priceless! One I will always remember. I had tears in my eyes (and I do every time I think of it, even now.) His prize was an old-fashioned Quill pen. He does not have as many opportunities for success as his sister does, so this was a HUGE deal!

At the end of the day, everyone posed for pictures.

Thank you Miss Green for a WONDERFUL day!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, Got New Threads!

Feast of Corpus Christi; Feast of the Body of Christ - June 7th, 2007

Feast of Ephrem of Syria

Feast of Corpus Christi; Feast of the Body of Christ - June 7th, 2007

It was BEAUTIFUL! They did not do a procession outside, but inside the church. (Not sure if that was the intention in the beginning, or because of the weather.) The Mass was BEAUTIFUL! Oh, did I say that already? The choir was like hearing angels singing. Frankly, the whole thing overwhelmed me (in a great way!) It brought me to tears to see something so beautiful being offered for Our Lord! (Such Masses always do this to me, whether here or at our other parish, Saint James in Saint Joseph with Father Totton). And seeing the children receiving their First Holy Communion, was very moving too - reminded me of my own dear children's FHC.

I got only one picture (and a lousy one at that) because my compactflash card in my camera went on the fritz. This is one of the procession -

King Peter & Queen Lucy were with me, and were very well behaved, even at the end of two plus hours.

Below are some quotes from others who were also there. I agree with everything they say, but they put it much more eloquently than I.

Rae at Quo Vadis...? wrote
".....the choir sang in such beautiful polyphony that often I would close my eyes, trying not to lose a single phrase--and then snap them open as I recalled that beautiful things were happening at the altar, too! We adored the Blessed Sacrament for so long that, by the end of Benediction, my knees had never ached so much... And afterward, at the reception (hosted by the Confraternity of Christian Mothers), the wine and fruit punch were exceptional."
Joseph at Musings of a Dominican Inquirer wrote
"Tonight’s Mass was especially important for the eleven children celebrating reception of their First Communion, a very important day in the life of any Catholic child. Celebrating tonight’s Mass was Msgr. Gilles Wach (Founder and Superior of the Institute) with Fr. Dennis Buchholz (Pro-Rector) as Deacon. His Excellency, Bishop Robert Finn (Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese) and Msgr. Michael Schmitz (Vicar General of the Institute) were present, as well. The Solemn High Mass was most beautifully celebrated, and was followed by Adoration, Procession, and Benediction. Unfortunately, the Procession and Benediction had to be inside due to inclement weather. It was everything that the Traditional Mass should be, and was most transcendent. I have a difficult time putting into words what the experience was like."

Augusta at Traditional Catholic Mom wrote
"Yesterday marked the Feast of Corpus Christi. What a day! We were honored with the presence of some very special guests at Old St. Patrick Oratory! Bishop Finn graced us with his presence, gave the sermon, and lead Benediction and the procession! Msgr. Guiles Wach flew in all the way from Italy, literally arriving right before the Mass started. Msgr. Schmitz accompanied Msgr. Wach and did a fantastic job of translating for him!"
Wolftracker at Kansas City Catholic wrote
"On Thursday, June 7, 2007, this year's traditional Feast of Corpus Christi, a High Mass at the Old Saint Patrick Oratory (home of the diocesan Latin Mass community) was said by Monsignor Gilles Wach, Superior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The traditional Latin Mass was followed by a Eucharistic
Procession and Benediciton (held indoors due to inclement weather). His Excellency Robert W. Finn, bishop of the Kansas City--Saint Joseph diocese, led the procession and Benediction. During Mass, eleven Oratory children also made their First Holy Communion. Bishop Finn gave the homily."

Here are links to the above posts and many more wonderful pictures!!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

EENS - Extra Ecclesia Nulla Sallus - Outside the Church there is No Salvation

Feast of Saint Marcelino Champagnat

EENS is an acronym for the Latin phrase "Extra Ecclesia Nulla Sallus" which means "Outside the Church there is No Salvation. It is church doctrine. But because humans can be so dense, it has had to be defined THREE times by THREE different popes! (One time is enough to make it doctrine.) Anyway, Father Z over at What Does the Prayer Really Say? wrote a post on today's papal audience regarding the Holy Father's comments on EENS and how it may/may not relate to the motu proprio & the SSPX.

Man tries to hitch a ride with the Holy Father

I am sure you have already heard about the man who jumped the barricade at the papal audience, but just in case CNN (Communist News Network - so called by my dear brother) had a write up on it as well as a video.

Here are some of the more humorous tongue-in-cheek comments on it in the blogs. (if you know of more, please share.)

From Uncovering Orthodoxy -
I’m sure that when they get this all sorted out they’ll find that the individual was simply a traditional Catholic blogger hoping to finally settle all these Motu Proprio rumors once and for all.
From Simon-Peter Says -
Some crazy -- probably an honorary male member *cough* of the Sisters of obfuscation of the Woolly Cardigan (we have met them before), upset at the incipient Motu Proprio -- launched himself into the Pope Mobile today right behind the Holy Father. I am sure he was just going to discuss a Bach fugue, or the divine right of extra-ordinary ministers of unholy confusion, rather than cause harm.

"Rudy, are you listening? It's me, God!"

From Reuters
Electrical glitch worries Giuliani at debate
Tue Jun 5, 2007 9:51PM EDT

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - An electrical glitch at a debate of Republican presidential candidates had Rudy Giuliani joking on Tuesday that he was about to be struck by lightning for differing with a Catholic bishop.

An electrical sound interrupted Giuliani, a Roman Catholic, as he was trying to answer a question from debate moderator Wolf Blitzer of CNN about a Rhode Island bishop who compared him to Pontius Pilate for his views on abortion.

"Look, for someone who went to parochial schools all his life, this is a very frightening thing that's happening right now," Giuliani chuckled.

Giuliani, who is leading national polls in his party's presidential race, has drawn fire from conservative critics for not being a stronger opponent of abortion.

"My view on abortion is that it's wrong, but that ultimately government should not be enforcing that decision on a woman," he said.

I saw the news clip on this debate on TV. He may have "chuckled", but it was a nervous chuckle. I pray he takes this seriously. Divine Intervention - Gotta love it!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Super Heroes!

I snagged this from a dear friend's blog, Against All Heresies.

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?


But our super heroes wear capes too.


Thanks Mary!