August 4, 2007 -
Feast of Saint John Mary VianneyIs there such a thing as a "charitable comeback"???
There is an older woman at my N.O. who has the tongue of a viper. She is an elderly woman who has a control issue. She used to be in charge of the sacristy - for years I believe. She "retired", but not really (one friend said she will be directing the workings of the sacristy from her grave.) Our new priest (well, not as new anymore) has (unintentionally) put her on the warpath (especially since the recent Motu Proprio - Summorum Pontificum). She criticizes him freely, to anyone who is in earshot, even if it is him. She saw one friend of mine signing the petition for the Latin Mass (supported by our priest, by the way), and chastised her for it, saying some hateful things about it. I have a feeling there would be a lot more signatures if not for her.
I recognize that she is elderly, and often the elderly don't accept change readily. I am also sure that she has done some good things for the parish. But when it comes to obedience to your priest, bishop, and pope, there is no excuse. I have a feeling if Jesus Christ showed up in the church wearing a robe and sandals, she would criticise him for wearing sandals in the church.
Anyway, I have conversations with her, in my head. Trouble is, I am not good at charitable comebacks - though I think of plenty of UNcharitable ones!
Help a girl out! Do you have any charitable comebacks? Those comebacks that refer to the Motu Proprio, and/or support for the Latin Mass, and/or respect for your priest, will be especially appreciated!
Help me out, so I can win these conversations in my head!P.s. - Our priest is doing "dry runs" of the Latin Mass. I don't know when his first "real run" will be, but you can bet that I will be there!