Monday, July 24, 2006

Heavy Crosses


Hi everyone! I have been incredibly busy! The house I was renting, & lived in for more than 8 years, was being sold, so I had to move. We loved this house - low utilities, big yard, safe neighborhood, plenty of room for my children to ride their bikes..... But alas, it was time to let go. I looked around for another place, and found one, but there were some things to work through. I prayed to God that if this was the place for us, then to please let all the things work out. They did, but my stubborn self had trouble accepting this - I think mostly because I just didn't want to move (even though I knew I had no choice). This place costs more to rent, as well as utilities. But that was the way it was with all of the places I looked at. This one is in a good part of town, and very near my grandmother - this will allow me to help her more (actually, this will allow HER to allow US to help her more. She hates to bother us, but now with us so close, she has no excuse!) So I took the plunge, putting all of my trust in God.

The packing a moving was an incredibly stressful time for me. Thanks be to God for my mother, who helped me to pack up a 3-bedroom house. Thanks be to God for my Grandmother who paid for the movers (someone my mom knows, who moved the heavy items) & fed us all. Thanks be to God for my family who helped to move the other items (especially my son & nephews, ages 13 & under, who worked as hard as the adults! And my sister who made sure they did!). Thanks be to God for my sister-in-law who got the kitchen in order. Thanks be to God for my brother who was on active duty when I moved, but is now back & will be coming this week to help me make the place as energy efficient as possible. Thanks be to God for nice neighbors with children. Thanks be to God for all of my friends who could not be here physically, but prayed for me. Thanks be to God for His Blessed Mother, who had me wrapped in her mantle. Thanks be to God for all of his angels & saints, who's intercession I sought.

God has given me some heavy crosses to carry recently. I have not always carried them very well. Despite this, I tried to remember to offer it up for others (there is always someone with a heavier cross than the one you carry). I know God gives us these crosses because he loves us. In the midst of all of this, I had a really hard time understanding that. But, now I see it. These crosses make us better people. Just trust in Our Lord - one of the easiest, and hardest, things to do.

I know there will be more crosses (one I have now, & may be with me for awhile). But when I doubt again, will someone please smack me with the holy 2-by-4?!?!?!?!


Thursday, July 06, 2006